Frequently Asked Questions
I’m brand new to Pilates – can I go straight into a mixed ability class?
Our mixed ability classes are suitable for all levels of fitness and Pilates experience, including complete beginners. We send all beginners a bit of homework and ask them to arrive early for this first class, so we can run through a few things before the class starts. If you feel you would like to cover the basics in more detail, you may want to opt for a 1-2-1 session (most of our beginners don’t feel the need for this).
How do I book for a class/term?
Spaces can be booked now if paying for the term (or the remaining weeks in a term), or on the day if opting for PAYG (although please let us know if you intend to do this so we can send you the relevant forms/info in advance). If you want to pay by term, please email us and we can run through the full booking process with you. Please note, once we confirm there is a space available for you we will only hold it for 24* hours to allow time for payment to be made. If you don’t pay within 24 hours, the space will be freed up again. *If we are close to the day of the class, this timescale may be reduced.
Can men do Pilates?
Of course! Although a lot of people think Pilates “is just for girls”, it’s for both sexes. A lot of top male athletes and footballers do Pilates, including David Beckham, Ryan Giggs and Andy Murray. We’ve lots of male class members and clients. Some men feel a bit self conscious when joining our classes but there is no need. If you would prefer a class with other men in, please contact us and we can steer you towards the best class for you.
What do I need to bring ?
A mat* or towel to lie on, a bottle of water and a long sleeve top that you can put on/remove depending on how warm/cool you feel. During the colder months, please bring an additional long sleeved top. You may also want to bring a small hand towel to use as a pillow.
* The type of mat is a personal preference. Most people use a regular yoga mat but if you prefer a bit more comfort, you might want a thick (15-20mm) Pilates mat. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on a Pilates mat. Argos, Sports Direct and Amazon all stock thick Pilates mats for £10-15.
What do I wear?
We do Pilates in socks. Ideally, you want close fitting clothes (so the instructor can easily see your posture during each exercise) but the most important thing is you feel comfortable in them and they don’t restrict your movement. So if you prefer something baggier, please wear that. A polite notice to male clients – please ensure your shorts are not too short/gappy, otherwise you risk flashing areas that should never be flashed during a Pilates class! Shorts that look OK when standing can become indecent during certain exercise positions. Running shots and trunks are unsuitable for Pilates classes – and underwear must always be worn! If in doubt, please wear jogging bottoms or trousers.
I have an injury – can I still do Pilates?
As with all forms of exercise, if you have any kind of injury/medical condition we ask that you get the all clear from your GP or other medical professional (including a chiropractor, osteopath or physiotherapist) before you join our classes.
I have a bad back/neck/sciatica – can I still do Pilates?
As with all injuries/medical conditions, you need to get the OK from your doctor, chiropractor, osteopath or physiotherapist before starting any kind of exercise. Pilates is one of the best forms of exercise for people with bad backs, neck pain or sciatica. We specialise in Pilates for people with back related issues. If your medical professional advises you avoid certain movements, positions or exercises, we can give you alternative options.
I have an injury/medical condition that means I can exercise but need to be careful…
Don’t worry, we can give alternative exercises to accommodate any injury, medical condition etc. If there is any exercise/movement/position that your body isn’t happy with, just let us know and we can either tweak the exercise you’re doing or give you an alternative.
I’m pregnant – can I join the classes?
We have recently changed our policy and regret that we no longer accept pregnant women as new class members. If you already attend our classes and become pregnant, you are more than welcome to continue with the classes but please notify us so we can adapt your workout. Please note, news of pregnancy is kept confidential – it is up to you when you want the news shared (although when your bump starts showing, it will become pretty obvious!). If you are new to Pilates and pregnant, we can offer 1-2-1 sessions. Please contact us for more information.
I’m not very flexible – can I still do Pilates?
A lack of flexibility is a reason why you should be doing Pilates. Our classes contain a mixture of strengthening, mobility and flexibility work. The more you work on your flexibility, the better it will become.
Am I too old to do Pilates?
Age is no barrier to exercise. As George Bernard Shaw said, “We don’t stop playing because we get old; we get old because we stop playing.” Our class members range in age from early 20s to 80s. If you have limited mobility and would prefer sessions in your own home, we offer 1-2-1 sessions and private group classes. Please contact us to discuss your options.
Do I have to sign up for a whole term?
People have the option of doing PAYG, or paying by term. The latter is the only way to guarantee a space each week, and you also get the classes at a cheaper rate. PAYG spaces can only be booked on the day of a class, subject to availability – but please email us in advance so we can send you the relevant information, including the booking process. Thank you.
What happens if I pay by term and miss a class?
With regret, missed or unused classes cannot be rolled over or refunded. You are welcome to attend another class the same term as your missed class, as long as there is space and it’s within the same term. Please note, there is never a guarantee of a space in another class. Places in another class can only be booked in person at your regular class, or by text on the day of a class. Info about making up missed classes is on all newsletters. Please email us if you need a reminder.
What happens at the end of my Pilates term?
People currently taking part in our classes have a preferential booking period where they are guaranteed a space in the next term. You will be reminded about the preferential booking period each term – but only if you are at the classes, or have informed us that you will be missing the class.
Can I bring my child to a class and have them sit in the corner?
Sorry, no. Our classes are only suitable for those aged 16 and above, and we do not allow spectators. If you bring your child with you, regretfully you will be unable to join the class and will forfeit your payment for that class. If childcare is an issue, we can run a private class for you in your own home – although your child would not be able to participate in the class, and they would remain your responsibility the whole time.
The latest term has already started – can I still join?
As long as there is space, people are welcome to join our mixed ability classes at any point in a term. You are welcome to do pay-as-you-go or pre-pay for the remaining classes at the lower rate.
Do I need to book in advance or can I just turn up?
Pre-booking is essential for all of our classes. We do no accept walk-ins. If you just turn up, with regret you will be turned away.
I emailed you about your classes but didn’t get a response…
We reply to all emails. Please check your spam folder. Our emails have links in so your email host may have sent us to spam! Please add to your safe addresses.
I have a question that’s not dealt with here – what do I do?
Please email or call the studio on 020 8274 1572.